Accelerate Your Transformation with GIO's Alignment Accelerator

Get everyone on the same page at the same time.

Overcome the misalignment challenges with GIO's proven methodology for successful transformation.

As an executive leading your organization's transformation, you know that alignment is essential for success.

However, achieving and maintaining alignment can be a daunting task, especially when faced with complex organizational dynamics and competing priorities. At GIO, we understand these challenges. With decades of experience advising top companies on their most complex strategic initiatives, we've developed the Alignment Accelerator – a proven methodology designed to help executives like you drive successful transformations.

What Sets the Alignment Accelerator Apart?

1. Proven Methodology Grounded in Transformation Expertise

Our exclusive methodology is shaped by our extensive experience identifying and addressing the organizational dynamics that impede transformation. We bring this deep expertise to every engagement, ensuring you benefit from our decades of success driving transformations for leading enterprises.

2. Laser-Focused on Your Unique Transformation Needs

We understand that every organization's transformation journey is unique. The Alignment Accelerator is highly tailored to your specific context, goals, and priorities. Our comprehensive pre-workshop discovery process ensures we thoroughly understand your challenges and can deliver maximum impact.

3. Platform-Agnostic and Unbiased Approach

The Alignment Accelerator is completely neutral regarding technology platforms. Our sole focus is driving your transformation success without any obligations or hidden agendas. You can trust that our recommendations are based entirely on your needs, not on promoting a specific vendor or solution.

4. Sustained Support to Drive Measurable Results

We don't just conduct a workshop and leave you to fend for yourself. GIO remains a committed partner throughout your transformation journey. With 90 days of post-workshop coaching and office hours, we provide the accountability, troubleshooting, and expert guidance you need to convert alignment into tangible, measurable results.

Trusted by Fortune 500s. Tailored for You.

That's the power of the GIO Alignment Accelerator

Accelerate Your Transformation Journey in Just One Day

Expert Facilitation

Our expert facilitators have decades of experience driving alignment at the world's leading companies. We've distilled those battle-tested insights into a high-impact workshop customized to your organization's unique context and goals.


One Workshop

  • Gather the right team (no more short-term strategy)
  • Establish a proactive vision for the future
  • Address current obstacles wasting time and resources
  • Focus on impactful opportunities



  • Co-create an inspiring vision and strategy
  • Surface and solve hidden barriers to execution
  • Address tough questions (and agree on answers)


90-Day Roadmap

  • Commit to a 90 day action plan and accountability framework
  • 90 days of post-workshop coaching to maintain momentum and troubleshoot challenges.

Make Progress Towards Your Most Ambitious Goals

GIO's Alignment Accelerator is designed to escape the transformation traps. With the proper alignment and focus, you can unleash your full transformation potential - no matter your starting point.

Simple Engagement. Full Experience.

Our engagements are simple and straightward. The Alignment Accelerator experience includes:

  • Pre-Discovery
  • Full-Day Workshop Session
  • Post Discovery
  • Final Report

Don't let misalignment hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards transformative alignment - your future depends on it.


For a limited time, we're offering first-time clients a 50% discount on the Alignment Accelerator.

This includes:

  • The entire Alignment Accelerator experience  
  • 50% off standard workshop pricing


  • Non-profit organizations are also eligible for special pricing.
  • Contact us for details.



9:00-9:30am - Kickoff and Introductions

9:30-10:30am - Visioning the Future (Visioning Framework)

10:30-11:00am - Break and Energizer

11:00 AM-12:30pm: Mapping the Current State (DVFU Framework)

12:30-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3:00pm: Prioritizing Opportunities (Working Backwards Framework)

3:15-4:30pm: Developing the Roadmap (OKR Framework & WMBT)

4:30-5:00pm: Synthesis and Next Steps

Final Report



01 Executive Summary

02 Visioning the Future

03 Current State Assessment

04 Prioritized Opportunities

05 90-Day Roadmap

06 Organizational Enablers

07 Technology & Data Strategy

08 Product & Experience Innovation Plan

09 Next Steps & Conclusion

*sample report contents. Reports are customized.

How One Organization Transformed Its Customer Experience with the Alignment Accelerator

A Case Study


Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Reality

A large healthcare company's Medicare call center struggled to align its vision of providing caring, personalized support with the reality of siloed departments and inconsistent strategies. The problem: Agents needed help to become true member advocates. GIO's Alignment Accelerator stepped in to bridge this critical gap and drive the organization's transformation.


Uncovering the Root Cause of Member Frustration

GIO's stakeholder interviews and data analysis revealed a surprising insight: members were "gaming the system" by bypassing the IVR to reach live agents directly. Fueled by frustration with inadequate self-service options, this tactic significantly contributed to poor containment and authentication rates - key metrics for the company's transformation efforts.


Aligning Executives Around a Shared Vision

With this key discovery in hand, GIO led an executive alignment workshop. Leaders from various departments collaborated to confront the current state of their member experience, align on the implications, and co-create a transformative vision to optimize operations and enhance competitiveness.


A Pivotal Moment: From Insights to Commitment

The workshop marked a turning point. Executives gained a shared understanding of the untapped potential in the IVR and pledged their commitment to a member-centric transformation strategy. GIO delivered a comprehensive report outlining the findings, recommendations, and roadmap, arming leaders with the tools to drive measurable results.


Embarking on a Journey of Transformation

Bolstered by GIO's insights and newfound alignment, the healthcare company set out to transform its IVR experience. The objectives were clear: boost containment and authentication rates while freeing agents to provide more empathetic, high-value support powered by VoxIntentAI.


Putting Members First: A United Front

The healthcare company created a call center experience that truly puts members first by rallying around a shared vision and transformation strategy. Equipped with the right tools and mindset, agents finally became the caring advocates they were always meant to be. The Alignment Accelerator was the catalyst that made this organizational transformation possible.


Accelerate Your Transformation Journey in Just One Workshop

Is your organization trapped in endless meetings, struggling to align priorities and deliver results?

The Alignment Accelerator workshop is your fast track to transformation. In just one intensive session, our proven methodology will help you:

  • Gain clarity and consensus on strategic transformation objectives
  • Improve cross-functional communication and collaboration.
  • Identify and eliminate barriers to executing critical initiatives
  • Accelerate time-to-market for new products and services
  • Reduce costs by aligning resources around shared transformation goals


Break down silos, boost transparency, and unleash innovation.

Just like we did for this leading healthcare company, the Alignment Accelerator can help you break down silos, boost transparency, and unlock your organization's full transformation potential. You'll walk away with:

  • A shared vision and roadmap for successful transformation
  • Clear ownership and accountability for next steps
  • Renewed energy and momentum to drive lasting change

Don't let misalignment derail your transformation. Take the first step with GIO's Alignment Accelerator - your future depends on it.

Contact us today to learn more.

Meet Your Facilitators

Tam Danier, Lead Product Strategist Tam, brings over 12 years of experience facilitating alignment and strategy for top companies. With deep expertise in design thinking (Stanford D.School), product strategy, AI/ML (MIT), and UX, Tam is uniquely adept at translating customer, business, and technical needs into actionable solutions. She has led many successful workshops and created product strategy roadmaps for companies like Assurant, McKinsey, General Assembly, Guardian Insurance, Anthem, Aptiv, and Disney.

Our facilitators have a wealth of industry experience across various sectors, including technology, finance, and media. They are experts at facilitating vision alignment and have collaborated with leading organizations such as P&G, Expedia, AWS, Netflix, Capital One, and Intuit. With backgrounds that include executive roles in major corporations and government positions, our facilitators understand how to articulate compelling visions and develop strategic plans to achieve them. Their superpower lies in aligning cross-functional teams around a shared future vision.

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